The insights you need to improve uptime and energy savings
How can you help increase profitability without raising rates in a competitive market? By making sure your fleet is operating at the highest possible standards. TracKing® Pro telematics gives you the ability to help reduce your cost-per-mile by avoiding unplanned downtime and decreasing energy costs.
4 key elements of TracKing® Pro telematics

Energy Usage Dashboard*
Reveals fuel saving opportunities, enabling you to track usage, discover opportunities for improvements and measure CO2 emissions.
Benchmark Analytics Dashboard**
Metrics-driven insights so you can see how your fleet’s energy use and operations compare to best-in-class fleets in the industry.
Predictive Alert Notifications***
Allow you to proactively address issues before failures occur through self-service monitoring.
Alarm Triage Insights****
Enhanced alarm details provide recommended steps to understand potential issues and enable a more effective response to keep your fleet up and running smoothly.
* Available for Thermo King® Precedent® units only
** Available for Thermo King® large truck and trailer units
*** Available for Thermo King® trailer and SLXi DRC units
**** Available for Thermo King® trailer units

Reduce your energy costs. Avoid unplanned downtime.
Discover energy-saving opportunities
Insights from the Energy Usage Dashboard can lead to ways you can use less fuel to protect temperature-sensitive cargo.
Increase your uptime
TracKing Pro telematics’ cutting-edge algorithm uses machine learning to predict where failures may occur and alert you in advance. By proactively planning services, you’ll stay operational longer, keep on schedule, reduce load loss and avoid call-out fees and off-hour costs.
Know what to do and when to do it
Alarm triage insights deliver actionable information to your internal fleet monitoring team, increasing uptime by reducing the time needed to understand and respond to alarms.*
Understand what’s possible
Benchmarking analytics show how your operations compare to best-in-class fleets. With this information, you’ll drive reduced cost-per-mile and enhance your fleet’s uptime.
* More than 90% of the time, reefer failures follow these predictions if no action is taken.

Measure and monitor your fleet’s environmental impact
Quantify your fleet’s greenhouse gas emissions
The Energy Usage Dashboard displays an estimate of your fleet’s CO2 emissions in metric tons for both diesel and electric standby operations.
See fuel improvement opportunities
The Energy Usage Dashboard uses machine learning to estimate how much fuel your fleet can save by changing various aspects of your operations, such as running with doors closed versus doors open.
Information for reports and case studies at your fingertips
TracKing® Pro telematics summarizes quantitative data for key stakeholders. With its simple, intuitive interface, TracKing Pro telematics enables you to easily gather the data you need to confidently tell your organization’s cost-savings and environmental responsibility stories.

ConnectedSuite™ telematics portfolio
A brand representing our fleet telematics solutions for truck, trailer, bus, rail and marine applications.